Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When does registration begin?

Look for registration to open each year in the first week of June.

Is CNWB the same as CMBA?

No. CNWB (Calgary Northwest Basketball) is a zone comprised of specific communities in Northwest Calgary. CMBA (Calgary Minor Basketball Association) is the governing association for community basketball in Calgary and it is comprised of numerous zones.

Can I request to play with my friend?

We do not guarantee any friend requests and we provide NO refund if you are not put on a team with a “friend’. We appreciate that athletes want to play with friends. If friends are similar in skill, we do allow opportunities for athletes that are the same skill level to play with a friend. Players can request to play down a division to play with their friends, but we will not move players up to a division they did not evaluate to. As we are part a larger league group, we need to adhere to skill levels being similar on teams. Player requests can be sent to

What time/where will my practice be?

Practice times are determined after teams have been selected and coaches assigned. Most practices are between 5-10pm Monday through Friday. CNWB uses a combination of school gyms and private facilities in the NW. Teams will typically practice once weekly. We do not guarantee any practice times or locations and will NOT provide refunds if the practice schedule does not work for your athlete.

When and where are games?

Games are played on Saturdays at facilities throughout the city of Calgary. Games begin mid Oct and run through to early December, breaking for winter holidays and then resuming in January for play until early March.

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